

Google Scholar

Paper Awards

  • Best Paper Award on Robot Mechanisms and Design in IROS 2023
    (As first author)

  • Best Paper Award Finalist in IROS 2023
    (As first author)

  • Best Paper Award Finalist in IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics 2023
    (As co-first author)

  • Best Mechanical Design Award in the workshop held at ICRA 2023
    (As first author)

  • Best Mechanical Design Award in the workshop held at ICRA 2024
    (As second author)

Scholarships & Honors


  • Research Postgraduate Student Innovation Award 2024
  • Arthur and Louise May Memorial Fund Scholarship 2024
  • Arthur and Louise May Memorial Fund Scholarship 2023
  • Postgraduate Scholarships of HKU


  • Excellent Research Award
  • Excellent Postgraduate Award
  • Short-term International Academic Exchange Scholarship


  • Outstanding Graduate (University Level, 5%)
  • Excellent Student of Academic Performance (Second Prize, 10%)
  • Excellent Student of Academic Performance (First Prize, 5%)
  • Excellent Student of Academic Performance (First Prize, 5%)
  • Educational Robot Competition in China (First prize)